Pre-submission enquiries

Authors may obtain informal feedback from Editors before submitting a full manuscript. Please provide an abstract of your article so Editors may quickly assess the topic. Authors will either be invited to submit a full manuscript when completed, which does not assure publication, or will receive feedback that the topic is not currently suitable for publication. 

Author information

The journal does not limit the number of authors listed in the publication, and does not require all authors to be included in the publication. Manuscript submission presumes all listed authors agree to the text’s content and agree to be listed as an author. All communication between the journal and authors will occur via the article submission software. One corresponding author is responsible for all co-author communication and approvals.

Submission types

Please submit your manuscript in a Microsoft Word document. Authors may also submit other file types as supporting material. If you have questions about the type of submission, please contact to determine whether the journal currently supports the file type. 

Manuscripts in English

Editors will work closely with authors whose native language is not English, and will line edit those papers with care. 

Correcting the record

Published authors must promptly inform the journal if any element of the publication must be corrected due to an error. Corrections require consent from all co-authors, which must be secured by the corresponding author. Minor textual tweaks or grammatical or spelling mistakes will not be changed. 


The Museum Review does not have a distinct Editorial Board, but a rotating team of museum experts from diverse and complementary specialties who are selected to provide independent editorial opinions on submitted manuscripts, as needed. TMR utilizes this system at the current time to avoid restricting editorial decision-making to limited specialities. The museum sector itself is broad, encompassing Historic Homes, Maritime Museums, Open Air Museums, Science Museums, Children's Museums, Art Museums, etc., and unique specialties from conservation to philanthropy, thus a large number of short-term Editors best serves TMR's needs at this time.

Conflicts of interest

Conflicts of interest or competing financial interests can undermine the real or perceived objectivity and integrity of a publication. The Museum Review expects Editors, authors, and peer reviewers to disclose whether funding, employment, or personal financial interests are dependent upon publication or non-publication of a particular manuscript. Author declarations are confidential, yet if a manuscript is published, the details of the competing financial interest may be revealed. 

Contact the Editor

TMR welcomes your ideas and inquiries and feedback about manuscript submission procedures, the status of your manuscript, and the journal’s policies and procedures. 

Contact the Publisher

Rogers Publishing welcomes your ideas and inquiries about policies, procedures, and publications. 

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